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What The Func?!

May 26, 2020

In this episode, Clayton and Laura investigate the uses and benefits of CBD, the non-psychoactive part of the hemp plant. They are joined by Emmy-nominated cannabis comedian, Michael Glazer, and also CBD and cannabis expert Dr. Mary Clifton, who teaches Laura and Clayton the truth about CBD. 


May 18, 2020

In this episode, Clayton and Laura look into the mirror and question the price of beauty during dark times. They are joined by wellness comedian, Mia Lux, and also “America’s Holistic Plastic Surgeon,” Dr. Anthony Youn, who gets to the root of the real issues behind beauty procedures, and also offers some at-home...

May 11, 2020

Clayton & Laura unpack why everyone is #stressbaking in quarantine. They talk to New York Times Bestselling author & baking rockstar Elana Amsterdam of Elana's Pantry (@elanaspantry) about how she became a paleo pioneer after being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and celiac disease.

On WHAT THE HEALTH?!: Tired of...

May 4, 2020

In this episode, Clayton and Laura try to figure out what to eat during this crazy quarantine time. They talk to Smithsonian food historian Dr. Ashley Rose Young about the history of eating during troubling times, and then chat with functional medicine expert and author of The Rainbow Diet, Dr. Deanna Minich, about how...